Il CED all’Assemblea degli Aderenti ASviS

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Si è svolta lunedì 9 luglio presso Istituto Luigi Sturzo a Roma, l’Assemblea degli Aderenti ASviS volta a presentare i risultati del primo semestre 2018 e definire…


Life Quality and Sustainability: CED at the AIQUAV17 Conference

Qualità della Vita e Sostenibilità: Il CED al Convegno AIQUAV17

From the 30th November to the 2nd December 2017  it took place in Florence the IV AIQUAV Conference “Life Quality and Sustainability”. It was the first edition at which CED – Center for Economic Development & Social Change participated actively by presenting four research proposals and by proposing an entire session. The CED Director and the four CED members Carlo…